Sermons by Pastor Allan MacLeod

New Testament Sermons

Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of John
1 & 2 Corinthians
Ephesians to Titus
Testing Testing Testing - James 1.2 (2024-11-10 pm)
You Can't Be Serious? - James 1.2-4 (2017-07-16 am)
Are You Always Angry? If So, You Have a Problem - James 1.19-20 (2021-02-14 am)
We Too Easily Forget This! (II) - James 4.6 (2020-12-06 am)
Do You Ever Take Time to Consider How Short Your Life Is? - James 4.13-14 (2018-09-23 am)
A Serious Question with a Sobering Answer - James 4.14 (2024-12-09 am)
Stop Grumbling - James 5.9 (2024-04-28 pm)
Stop Grumbling! (II) - James 5.9 (2024-05-12 pm).mp3
Great Salvation - 1 Peter 1.10-12 (2014-09-28 pm)
You Have Been Ransomed - 1 Peter 1.18 (2022-08-21 am)
Precious Blood - 1 Peter 1.19 (2024-10-06 pm)
Put It Away! - 1 Peter 2.1 (2021-03-07 am)
Christ's Construction - 1 Peter 2. 4-7 (2022-10-16 pm)
Who Are You? (I) - 1 Peter 2.9 (2022-01-30 pm)
Who Are You? (II) - 1 Peter 2.9 (2022-01-30 pm)
Sojourners and Exiles - 1 Peter 2.11-12 (2022-05-01 pm)
What Jesus Did for Us - 1 Peter 2.14 (2019-06-02 am)
Are You Sure I'm Called a Slave - 1 Peter 2.16 (2022-05-15 pm)
What He Did - 1 Peter 2.24 (2023-02-05 pm)
What He Did - 1 Peter 2.24 (2025-03-02 am)
Are You Doing This? - 1 Peter 5.6-7 (2020-06-07 am)
Have You Put On Your Apron? - 1 Peter 5.5 (2024-03-17 pm)
Have You Put On Your Apron? (II) - 1 Peter 5.5 (2024-03-24 pm)
Cast Your Anxieties on Him - 1 Peter 5.7 (2016-05-08 pm)
Words to Place on Your Fridge Door - 1 Peter 5.7 (2018-01-28 am)
Has Jesus Made Fools of Us? - 2 Peter 3.3-4 (2017-12-31 pm)
A 2017 Priority - 2 Peter 3.18 (2017-01-01 pm)
Who or What do You Love? - 1 John 2.15-17 (2021-03-21 am)
Children of God - 1 John 3.1 (2022-02-20 am)
The Love of the Father - 1 John 3.1 (2024-09-22 am)
An Exclamation and Command - 1 John 3.1 (2025-02-23 pm)
Adoption An Introduction - 1 John 3.1 (2025-02-09 pm)
Sin Still Rears Its Ugly Head, No Matter What the World Says - 1 John 3.4 (2020-02-16 am)
What if My Heart Condemns? - 1 John 3.20 (2008-09-14 am)
Never, Ever, Forget This! (I) - 1 John 4.10 (2020-01-12 am)
Never, Ever, Forget This! (II) - 1 John 4.10 (2020-01-19 am)
Family Traits - 1 John 5.1 (2025-03-23 pm)
Who is Jesus? - Revelation 1.8 (2024-01-14 am)
A Vital Vision - Revelation 1.9-16 (2017-12-31 am)
Our Greatest Need at Year End and Throughout the New Year - Revelation 1.9-15 (2024-12-29 pm)
The Throne Room - Revelation 4.2 (202-06-06 am)
New Song - Revelation 5.9-10 (2023-07-30 am)
There is No Need to be Concerned at What 2020 Holds for Us - Revelation 19.6 (2019-12-29 am)
The Lord Reigns! - Revelation 19.6 (2021-12-19 pm)
Remember this Every Day of the Year - Revelation 21.5 (2017-01-01 am)
Worship God - Revelation 22.8-9 (2020-03-29 pm)

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