Sermons by Pastor Allan MacLeod

New Testament Sermons - Gospels, Mark

The Baptism of Jesus - Mark 1.9-11 (2024-10-06 am)
The Demons Know Who Jesus Is - Mark 1.21-28 (2020-07-12 am)
Demonic Declaration - Mark 1.21-28 (2020-07-19 am)
Healing, Helping, Hoping (I) - Mark 1.29-34 (2020-09-26 am)
Healing, Helping, Hoping (II) - Mark 1.29-34 (2020-09-26 am)
Jesus Prayed I - Mark 1.35 (2019-05-19 am)
Jesus Prayed (II) - Mark 1.35 (2019-05-26 am)
Divinity Encounters Desperation (I) - Mark 1.40-45 (2020-08-23 am)
Divinity Encounters Desperation (II) - Mark 1.40-45 (2020-08-30 am)
The Priority of the Forgiveness of Sins - Mark 2.1-12 (2020-09-13 am)
Anger and Compassion (I) - Mark 3.1-2 (2020-10-04 am)
Anger and Compassion (II) - Mark 3.3-6 (2020-10-11 am)
Automatic Growth - Mark 4.26-29 (2023-11-26 am)
The Parable of the Mustard Seed - Mark 4.30-32 (2023-12-03 am)
The Parable of the Mustard Seed (II) - Mark 4.30-32 (2023-10-10 am)
We Are Not Alone In Storms - Mark 4.35-41 (2017-09-10 am)
Why Are You So Afraid? He Is in Control! - Mark 4.35-41 (2020-03-29 am)
Desperation and Determination - Mark 5.25-34 (2021-06-27 am)
"Do Not Fear, Only Believe" - Mark 5.22-25, 35-43 (2021-07-04 am)
Take Heart it is I - Mark 6.45-52 (2021-08-22 am)
Divine Doctor - Mark 6.53-56 (2021-10-24 am)
Respectable Sins: Recap and Resumption - Mark 7 (2020-10-18 am)
A Private Healing - Mark 7.31-37 (2021-11-14 am)
Feeding the Four Thousand - Mark 8.1-9 (2021-11-23 am)
Another Healing! - Mark 8.22-26 (2022-01-23 am)
They were Bringing Children to Him - Mark 10.13-16 (2018-03-25 am)
Some Things Made Jesus Angry! - Mark 10.13-16 (2019-11-24 am)
Jesus Has Time for Children. Do You Have Time for Jesus? - Mark 10.13-16 (2022-11-13)
The Camal and the Needle - Mark 10. 23-31 (2024-08-10 am)
The Third Time - Mark 10.32-34 (2021-12-05 am)
All Show but no Substance - Mark 11.12-14 (2022-04-10 am)
Tongues that Condemn - Mark 15.29 (2008-09-14 pm)

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