Sermons by Elder Jim Hughes

Old Testament Sermons

A Not-So Respectable Sin - Deuteronomy 5.20
Who is the LORD - Exodus 5.1-2
The Mountain of the LORD - Isaiah 2.1-5
The Day of the LORD - Isaiah 2.6-22
Judgement on Nation and Church - Isaiah 3.1-4.1
The Branch of the Lord - Isaiah 4.2-6
The LORD's Vineyard - Isaiah 5.1-7
Woes and Judgements - Isaiah 5.8-30
Isaiah's Sight and Insight - Isaiah 6.1-7
Isaiah's Commission - Isaiah 6.8-13
The Sign of Immanuel - Isaiah 7.10-25
Flood Waters On a Fallen World - Isaiah 8.1-10
Fear God Not Man - Isaiah 8.11-22
The Promised Redeemer - Isaiah 9.1-7
A Remnant Shall Return - Isaiah 10.20-34
Judgement on Arrogance - Isaiah 10.5-19
Messiah’s Righteous Reign 1 - His Arrival - Isaiah 11.1-9
Messiah’s Righteous Reign 2 - The Nations’ Arrival - Isaiah 11.10-16
Thanksgiving Praise - Isaiah 12
Judgement on Babylon - Isaiah 13
God’s Planned Purposes - Isaiah 14.24-32
Judgement in God’s Set Time - Isaiah 15-16
Divine Dealings with Distant Territories - Isaiah 18
How Shall We Escape - Isaiah 19-20
Babylon is Fallen - Isaiah 21.1-10
Darkness Over Arabia - Isaiah 21.11-17
The Valley of Vision - Isaiah 22.1-14
Beware of Corrupting Power - Isaiah 22.15-25
Pride - The Downfall of Nations - Isaiah 23
Judgment on the Whole Earth - Isaiah 24
Life in Messiah’s Kingdom - Isaiah 25
God Keeps His People in Perfect Peace - Isaiah 26.1-27.1
God Cares for His Church - Isaiah 27.2-13
Judgement on the Apostate Church - Isaiah 28.1-13
An Unexpected Response - God Laid a Cornerstone in Zion - Isaiah 28.14-29
A Reprieve for the ‘Lion of God’ - Isaiah 29
Do Not Go Down to Egypt - Isaiah 30.1-7
A Rebellious People - Isaiah 30.8-17
The Lord Will Be Gracious - Isaiah 30.18-33
Is God Your Refuge and Strength - Isaiah 31
The Reign in Righteousness - Isaiah 32.1-8
Complacency Condemned - Isaiah 32.9-20
A Song of Confidence in God - Isaiah 33.1-16
The Reign of the LORD in Zion - Isaiah 33.17-24
The LORD’s Day of Vengeance - Isaiah 34
The Highway to Heaven - Isaiah 35
A Belligerent Boasting Bully – Part 1 - Isaiah 36.1-13
A Belligerent Boasting Bully – Part 2 - Isaiah 36.14-22
Prayer of a Righteous Man - Isaiah 37.1-20
Promise of the Defeat of God’s Enemies - Isaiah 37.21-38
Hezekiah’s Sickness-Suspension and Sundial-Sign - Isaiah 38.1-8
A Reflective Composition - Isaiah 38.9-22
Worldliness Infects a Covenanted King - Isaiah 39
Comfort for God’s People - Isaiah 40.1-2
A Prepared Highway for the LORD - Isaiah 40.3-5
The Word of God Stands Forever - Isaiah 40.6-8
Behold Your God - Isaiah 40.9-11
The Greatness of Your God - Isaiah 40.12-17
The Idiocy of Idolatry - Isaiah 40.18-20
God’s Works of Creation and Providence - Isaiah 40.21-26
Hope for the Weary - Isaiah 40.27-31
False Hope in the Face of Hardship - Isaiah 41.1-7
Servants Strengthened - Isaiah 41.8-13
Plans for a Worm - Isaiah 41.14-16
Water and Woods - Isaiah 41.17-20
Set Forth Your Case - Isaiah 41.21-24
Ineffective Insubstantial Idols - Isaiah 41.25-29
The LORD’s Chosen Servant - Isaiah 42.1-4
The Servant's Commission - Isaiah 42.5-9
The Nations Sing a New Song - Isaiah 42.10-17 (2023-07-02 pm)
A Faithless Servant - Isaiah 42.18-25 (2023-10-29 pm)
Ten Reasons Not to Fear - Isaiah 43.1-7 (2024-02-04 pm)
Our God Is - Isaiah 43.8-13 (EPC 2024-02-18 pm)
Our Divine Champion - Isaiah 43.14-21 (2024-05-05 pm)
Worthless vs Worthwhile Worship - Isaiah 43. 22-24 (2024-06-30 pm)
Let Forgiveness Flourish - Isaiah 43.25-28(2024-07-07 pm)
The Water of Life - Isaiah 44.1-5 (2024-09-08 pm)
Only One God - Isaiah 44.6-8 (2024-09-29 pm)
Idols - a Fool’s Gambit - Isaiah 44.9-20 2024-11-03 pm)
Hope in the Midst of Difficulties - Jeremiah 29.1-14
Out of the Pit - Lamentations 3.55-57

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