Sermons by Elder Jim Hughes

New Testament Sermons

God's Glory Revealed in Jesus - Matthew 17.1-9
Blind Bartimaeus Believes - Mark 10.46-52 (2023-07-09 am)
Sitting at the Feet of Jesus - Luke 10.38-42 (2024-07-14)
The Eleventh Commandment - John 14.15 (2024-02-11 am)
Faith's Foundation - John 20.24-29
An April Fool - 2 Corinthians 11.16-21
Christian Hope - Ephesians 2.11-12 (2023-10-01)
ABCs of GRACE - Ephesians 2.4-10 (2024-01-28 am)
Jesus - A Greater Actor than Moses - Hebrews 3.1-6
Warning Against Unbelief - Hebrews 3.7-19
A Sabbath Rest - Hebrews 4.1-11
The Sharp Word - Hebrews 4.12-13
Jesus, Our Great High Priest - Hebrews 4.14-16
Jesus, An Affectionate High Priest - Hebrews 5.1-3
Jesus, An Appointed High Priest - Hebrews 5.4-6
Jesus, An Able High Priest - Hebrews 5.7-10
Warning Against Falling Away - Spiritual Immaturity - Hebrews 5.11-6.3
Warning Against Falling Away - Enlightened Once - Hebrews 6.4-8
Confident Perseverance - Hebrews 6.9-12
Our Spiritual Security - Hebrews 6.13-20
Jesus, a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek - Hebrews 6.20-7.10
A Preferred Priesthood - Hebrews 7.11-19
A Perfect Priesthood - Hebrews 7.26-28
Superior Service - Hebrews 8.1-6
A Superior Covenant - Hebrews 8.6-13
The Superior Tabernacle - Hebrews 9.1-10
Redemption Through Blood - Purification - Hebrews 9.11-14
Redemption Through Blood - One Sacrifice - Hebrews 9.23-28
Christ’s Sacrifice - Once for All - Hebrews 10.1-10
Christ’s Sacrifice - What it Accomplished - Hebrews 10.11-18
Full Forgiveness - Hebrews 10.17-18
Freedom’s Fruit - The Christian Bill of Rights - Hebrews 10.19-25
Despise Not the Divine - Hebrews 10.26-31
Expected Endurance - Hebrews 10.32-39
Faith is Certain Conviction - Hebrews 11.1-2
Created Cosmos - Hebrews 11.3
The Worship of Faith - Hebrews 11.4
The Worship Walk and Witness of Faith - Hebrews 11.4-7
The Walk of Faith - Hebrews 11.5
The Witness of Faith - Hebrews 11.7
Abraham's Inheritance Through Faith - Hebrews 11.8-10
Sarah's Dynamic Faith - Hebrews 11.11-12
Faith's Destination - Hebrews 11.13-16
Resurrection Faith - Hebrews 11.17-19
Faith’s Future - Hebrews 11.20-22
Faith’s Reward - Hebrews 11.23-26
Faith's Exodus - Hebrews 11.27-29
Faith's Obedience - Hebrews 11.30-31
Faith’s Stalwart Suffering - Hebrews 11.32-38
One Faith - Hebrews 11.39-40
Cloud of Witnesses - Hebrews 12.1
Looking to Jesus - Hebrews 12.2-3
God Disciplines His Children 1 - Hebrews 12.4-6
God Disciplines His Children 2 - Hebrews 12.7-11
Strengthen and Straighten - Hebrews 12.12-13
Strive and See! - Hebrews 12.14-15
Esau Lived for the Present - Hebrews 12.16-17
Covenantal Antithesis - Hebrews 12.18-24
Be Not Deaf - Hebrews 12.25
A Voice that Shakes Creation - Hebrews 12.26-27
Acceptable Worship - Hebrews 12.28-29
Brotherly Love - Hebrews 13.1
Show Hospitality! - Hebrews 13.2
Remember the Persecuted Church - Hebrews 13.3
Honourable Marriage - Hebrews 13.4
Keep Free from Love of Money - Hebrews 13.5-6
Respect for Church Leaders - Hebrews 13.7-8, 17
Jesus Christ, Eternally the Same - Hebrews 13.8
Divergence - Hebrews 13.9
Eating from Our Altar - Hebrews 13.10
Outside In - Hebrews 13.11-13
Seek the City! - Hebrews 13.14
NT Sacrifices – the Fruit of Lips - Hebrews 13.15
Walk the Talk! - Hebrews 13.16
Pray for Church Leaders - Hebrews 13.18-19
Benediction - Part I - Hebrews 13.20-21
Benediction - Part II - Hebrews 13.20-21
Building Christian Friendship - Hebrews 13.22-25
Blessed Beloved - Jude 1-2
Faithful to The Faith - Jude 3
Creeping Corruption - Jude 4
Jesus the Judge - Jude 5-7
Deserved Damnation - Jude 8
Angelic Admonition - Jude 9
Animals in the Assembly - Jude 10
Traitorous Teachers - Jude 11
Loveless Leaders - Jude 12-13
Patriarch’s Prophecy - Jude 14-15
Abominable Apostates - Jude 16
Apostolic Admonition - Jude 17-19
Program for Perseverance - Jude 20-21
Corporate Care - Jude 22-23
Doxological Denouement - Jude 24-25
Salvation Belongs to Our God - Revelation 7. 9-10
Responses to God’s Wrath - Revelation 16
Paul's STRAP for the Christian Life

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