Sermons by Pastor Allan MacLeod
All (Posted) Sermons - Most Recent First (2021)
Pronouncement and Promise - Malachi 3.6 (2021-12-26 pm)
The Supreme Saviour - Colossians 1.15-18 (2021-12-26 am)
The Lord Reigns! - Revelation 19.6 (2021-12-19 pm)
From Jesus' Lips: The Purpose of His Birth - John 18.37 (2021-12-19 am)
What God Has Done - Philippians 2.9-11 (2021-12-12 pm)
Mary's Song - Luke 1.46-55 (2021-12-12 am)
Rich Man, Poor Man, Heaven or Hell, Who Are You, and Where Will You End Up - Luke 16.19-31 (2021-12-05 pm)
The Third Time - Mark 10.32-34 (2021-12-05 am)
Money, That's What I Want - Luke 16 16.14-18 (2021-11-23 pm)
Feeding the Four Thousand - Mark 8.1-9 (2021-11-23 am)
The Dishonest Manager - Luke 16.1-13 (2021-11-14 pm)
A Private Healing - Mark 7.31-37 (2021-11-14 am)
Resentment - Luke 15.25-32 (2021-11-07 pm)
A Mothers Mega Faith (II) - Matthew 15.21-28 (2021-11-07)
How Can I Go Home? I Have Blown It! - Luke 15.11-24 (2021-10-31 pm)
A Mother's Mega Faith (I) - Matthew 15.21-28 (2021-10-31 am)
A Great Nation - Deuteronomy 4.5-8 (2021-10-24 pm)
Divine Doctor - Mark 6.53-56 (2021-10-24 am)
What a Table - 1 Corinthians 11.23-25 (2021-10-17 pm)
All of Grace - 1 Timothy 1.12-15 (2021-10-17)
Divine Thanks - Matthew 11.25-26 (2021-10-10 pm)
Thanks Be to God! - 2 Corinthians 2.14 (2021-10-10 am)
What God Did! - 2 Corinthians 5.18-19 (2021-10-03 pm)
Rejoice in Hope! (II) - Romans 12.12 (2021-10-03 am)
Dont Touch! - Zechariah 2.8 (2021-09-26 pm)
Rejoice in Hope! (I) - Romans 12.12 (2021-09-26 am)
Be Quick Lord Don't Delay (II) - Psalm 70 (2021-09-19 pm)
Freedom! (II) - John 8.36 (2021-09-19 am)
Be Quick Lord Don't Delay (I) - Psalm 70 (2021-09-12 pm)
What He Did! - Hebrews 1.3 (2021-09-12 am)
A Cry for Deliverance - Psalm 69 (2021-09-05 pm)
Freedom! (I) - John 8.36 (2021-09-05 am)
The Ascended Lord - Psalm 68.18 (2021-08-29 pm)
Are You Serious Paul? - 2 Corinthians 4.16-18 (2021-08-29 am)
A Prayer for the Nations - Psalm 67 (2021-08-22 pm)
Take Heart it is I - Mark 6.45-52 (2021-08-22 am)
Obeying Christ's Command - Luke 22.19 (2021-08-15 pm)
What You Were, Are, and Will Be - Colossians 1.21-22 (2021-08-15 am)
Our Awesome God (III) - Psalm 66.13-20 (2021-08-08 pm)
So Much, With So Little - Luke 9.10-17 (2021-08-08 am)
Our Awesome God(II) - Psalm 66.5-12 (2021-08-01 pm)
38 Years of Same Old, Same Old! - John 5.1-9 (2021-08-01 am)
Our Awesome God (I) - Psalm 66.1-4 (2021-07-18 pm)
Two Reactions - Which is Yours? - Matthew 9 32-34 (2021-0718 am)
Our Generous God (II) - Psalm 65 (2021-07-11 pm)
Though Blind, They Had 20:5 Vision - Matthew 9.27-31 (2021-07-11 am)
Our Generous God (I) - Psalm 65.1-4 (2021-07-04 pm)
"Do Not Fear, Only Believe" - Mark 5.22-25, 35-43 (2021-07-04 am)
Hear Me and Hide Me - Psalm 64 (2021-06-27 pm)
Desperation and Determination - Mark 5.25-34 (2021-06-27 am)
Divine Deliverer - Luke 8.26-39 (2021-06-20 am)
What Sort of Man is This? - Matthew 8.23-27 (2021-06-13 am)
The Death of a Princess (II) - Genesis 23 -(2021-04-19 pm)
Compassion and Power - Luke 7.11-17 (2021-04-19 am)
The Death of a Princess (I) - Genesis 23.1-8 (2021-04-11 pm)
Where Do We Go From Here? - Matthew 5.3 (2021-04-11 am)
Startling Command; Staggering Obedience; Sovereign Provision! - Genesis 22.7-19 (2021-04-04 pm)
He is Not Here, He has Risen! - Matthew 28.5-6 (2021-04-04 am)
Startling Command; Staggering Obedience - Genesis 22.1-5 (2021-03-28 pm)
Ride On, Ride On In Majesty - Matthew 21.1-11 (2021-03-28 am)
They Meet Again! - Genesis 21.22-34 (2021-03-21 pm)
Who or What do You Love? - 1 John 2.15-17 (2021-03-21 am)
The God Who Spoke Her Name! - Genesis 21.14-21 (2021-03-14 pm)
Which One Are You? Your Tongue Will Tell! - Proverbs 12.18 (2021-03-14 am)
Actions have Consequences - Genesis 21.14 (2021-03-07 pm)
Put It Away! - 1 Peter 2.1 (2021-03-07 am)
You Want Me to Do what? Surely, You Don’t Mean It! - Genesis 21.8-14 (2021-02-28 pm)
I’m Just a Jealousy Guy - Proverbs 27.4 (2021-02-28 am)
It’s a Boy! (II) - Genesis 21.1-7 (2021-02-21 pm)
Who Made You Judge and Jury? - Romans 14.1-13 (2021-02-21 pm)
It’s a Boy!(I)- Genesis 21.1-7 (2021-02-14 pm)
Are You Always Angry? If So, You Have a Problem - James 1.19-20 (2021-02-14 am)
Abraham’s Relapse - Genesis 20 (2021-02-07 pm)
I’m Never Impatient or Irritable! Really? - Ephesians 4.1-2 (2021-02-07 am)
God’s Gracious Rescue - Genesis 19 (2021-01-31 pm)
Are You in Control of Your Self? - Proverbs 25.28 (2021-01-31 am)
Only One Month, and Already, I’m Weary! - Galatians 6.9 (2021-01-24 pm)
Selfie Selfishness - Philippians 2.3 (2021-01-24 am)
The LORD Reigns - Psalm 97 (2021-01-17 pm)
You Can Know of Peace During a Lockdown: Here’s How - John 20.19-20 (2021-01-17 am)
Be Careful What You Throw Away - Hebrews 10.35 (2021-01-10 pm)
Spiritual PPE - Psalm 91 (2021-01-10 am)
A Prayer for Every Day - John 12.21 (2021-01-03 pm)
Never, Never Forget This Throughout 2021 (II) - 1 Samuel 7.12 (2021-01-03 am)
All (Posted) Sermons - Most Recent First