Sermons by Pastor Allan MacLeod
All (Posted) Sermons - Most Recent First (2020)
Do Not Starve Your Soul: Feast on God’s Word! - Matthew 4.4 (2020-12-27 pm)
Never, Never Forget This Throughout 2021! - 1 Samuel 7.12 (2020-12-27 am)
Are You Foolish or Wise? - Matthew 25.1-13 (2020-12-20 pm)
Decree, Divinity, Diapers - Luke 2.1-7 (2020-12-20 am)
A Prayer For A Time Like This - Isaiah 63.15-64.12 (2020-12-13 pm)
Divine GPS - Matthew 2.9-10 (2020-12-13 am)
Abraham, Teach Us To Pray! (II) - Genesis 18.22-33 (2020-12-06 pm)
We Too Easily Forget This! (II) - James 4.6 (2020-12-06 am)
Abraham, Teach Us To Pray! (I) - Genesis 18.20-33 (2020-11-29 pm)
We Too Easily Forget This! (I)- Proverbs 16.18 (2020-11-29 am)
The Lockdown of Syria and of Toronto - 2 Kings 6.24-7.2 (2020-11-22 pm)
The Ungrateful Biped - 2 Timothy 3.2 (2020-11-22 am)
Divine Disclosure - Genesis 18.17-19 (2020-11-15 pm)
Deadly Discontentment - Hebrews 13.5 (2020-11-15 am)
The Privileges of God's People - Genesis 18.16-17 (2020-11-08 pm)
Anxiety and Frustration - Luke 10.38-42 (2020-11-08 am)
Is Anything Too Hard for the Lord? - Genesis 18.9-15 (2020-11-01 pm)
Ungodliness Masquerading as Godliness - 2 Tim 3.5 (2020-11-01 am)
God Came to Lunch - Genesis 18.2-8 (2020-10-25 pm)
Respectable Sins: Recap and Resumption (II) - Psalm 119.33 (2020-10-25 am)
Who Ate Lunch With Abraham? - Genesis 18 (2020-10-18 pm)
Respectable Sins: Recap and Resumption - Mark 7 (2020-10-18 am)
You Don't Tell Me What is Best! - Genesis 17.15-27 (2020-10-11 pm)
Anger and Compassion (II) - Mark 3.3-6 (2020-10-11 am)
The Only Source of True Blessing - John 17.7 (2020-10-04 pm)
Anger and Compassion (I) - Mark 3.1-2 (2020-10-04 am)
Are You Thirsty? - Psalm 63 (2020-09-13 pm)
The Priority of the Forgiveness of Sins - Mark 2.1-12 (2020-09-13 am)
Calm Assurance In the Midst of Distress (II) - Psalm 62 (2020-09-06 pm)
Someone Worth Knowing - Luke 7.1-10 (2020-09-06 am)
Calm Assurance in the Midst of Distress - Psalm 62.1-4 (2020-08-30 pm)
Divinity Encounters Desperation (II) - Mark 1.40-45 (2020-08-30 am)
Writing from Exile - Psalm 61 (2020-08-23 pm)
Divinity Encounters Desperation (I) - Mark 1.40-45 (2020-08-23 am)
Punishment, Promise, Power - Psalm 60 (II) (2020-08-16 pm)
Floating Pulpit (II) - Luke 5.1-11 (2020-08-16 am)
Don't Lose the Instructions - Psalm 60 (I) (2020-08-09 pm)
Floating Pulpit - Luke 5.1-3 (2020-08-09 am)
Hook and Refrain - Psalm 59 (II) (2020-09-02 pm)
Healing, Helping, Hoping (II) - Mark 1.29-34 (2020-09-26 am)
Under Surveillance, Yet Singing - Psalm 59 (I) (2020-07-26 pm)
Healing, Helping, Hoping (I) - Mark 1.29-34 (2020-09-26 am)
Tyrants on Trial - Psalm 58 (2020-07-19 pm)
Demonic Declaration - Mark 1.21-28 (2020-07-19 am)
I’m Singing, Just Singing, in the Cave - Psalm 57 (2020-07-12 pm)
The Demons Know Who Jesus Is - Mark 1.21-28 (2020-07-12 am)
In Whom Do You Trust? - Psalm 56 (2020-07-05 pm)
The Second Sign (II) - John 4.46-54 (202-07-05 am)
Cast Your Burden on the Lord - Psalm 55 (2020-06-28 pm)
The Second Sign (I) - John 4.46-54 (2020-06-28 am)
Worship - The Regulative Principle - Leviticus 10.1-3 (2020-06-21 pm)
The First Sign - John 2.1-11 (2020-06-21 am)
Worship: Do You have To Go To Church Twice On A Sunday? (II) - Hebrews 10.24-25 (2020-06-14 pm)
The Miracles of Jesus: An Introduction - John 20.30-31 (2020-06-14 am)
Worship: Do You have To Go To Church Twice On A Sunday? (I) - Hebrews 10.24-25 (2020-06-07 pm)
Are You Doing This? - 1 Peter 5.6-7 (2020-06-07 am)
The Sine qua non of Worship (II) - Nehemiah 9.1-3 (2020-05-31 pm)
Directions from Jesus for Times like This - Matthew 6.25-34 (2020-05-31 am)
The Sine qua non of Worship (I) - Nehemiah 9.1-2 (2020-05-24 pm)
Supply and Need - Phillipians 4.19 (2020-05-24 am)
The Aesthetic of Worship (II) - 1 Chronicles 16.29 (2020-05-17 pm)
How To Live Joyfully Despite the Circumstances - Philippians 4.13 (2020-05-17 am)
The Aesthetic of Worship (i) - 1 Chronicles 16.29 (2020-05-10 pm)
What We Must Do When the Lockdown is Over - Philippians 3.13 (2020-05-10 am)
Davidic Dancing: Biblical Worship? - 2 Samuel 6.14 (2020-05-03 pm)
To Die Is Gain: Can You Say That? (II) - Phillipians 1.21 (2020-05-03 am)
Moses’ Request of God Should be Ours Every Time We Worship - Exodus 33.18-23 (2020-04-26 pm)
To Die Is Gain: Can You Say That? (I) - Phillipians 1.21 (2020-04-26 am)
Proper and Improper Worship - Ecclesiastes 5.1-2 (2020-04-19 pm)
Paul’s Equation: Life Minus Christ Equals Zero - Philippians 1.21 (2020-04-19 pm)
You MUST Worship God this Way! - John 4.23-24 (2020-04-12 pm)
The Resurrection has Always Been a MUST! - John 20.9 (2020-04-12 am)
Why Worship God? - Deuteronomy 32.3 (2020-04-05 pm)
Do What David Did - 1 Samuel 30.6 (2020-04-05 am)
Worship God - Revelation 22.8-9 (2020-03-29 pm)
Why Are You So Afraid? He Is in Control! - Mark 4.35-41 (2020-03-29 am)
God’s Vaccine - Phillipians 4.6 (2020-03-22 pm)
What God Can be for Us, Despite COVID-19 - Psalm 46.1-3 (2020-03-22 am)
What God Has Promised to Do - Jeol 2.25 (2020-03-08 pm)
Exploitation: It Doesn’t Just Happen in the World - Romans 7.8 (2020-03-08 am)
The Parable of the Lost Coin - Luke 15.8-10 (2020-03-01 pm)
What You Were; What You Are; Why You Are! - Colossians 2.13-14 (2020-03-01 am)
Seeking Shepherd - Luke 15.3-7 (2020-02-23 pm)
Sin Stalks - Genesis 4.7 (2020-02-23 am)
Murmuring and Magnetism - Luke 15.1-2 (2020-02-16 pm)
Sin Still Rears Its Ugly Head, No Matter What the World Says - 1 John 3.4 (2020-02-16 am)
Where is Jesus and What is He Doing? - Hebrews 7.25 (2020-02-09 pm)
“Respectable” Sins: An Introduction - Psalm 119.133 (2020-02-09 am)
The Essence of Obedience - Isaiah 53.12 (2020-02-02 pm)
Holy Healing - John 5.1-8 (2020-02-02 am)
What Jesus Said About Hell -- It May Surprise You - Luke 16.19-31 (2020-01-26 pm)
Holy Healer - Exodus 15.26 (2020-01-26 am)
The Opposite of Heaven - John 3.18 (2020-01-19 pm)
Never, Ever, Forget This! (II) - 1 John 4.10 (2020-01-19 am)
Intermediate or Immediate? - 2 Corinthians 5.1-3 (2020-01-12 am)
Never, Ever, Forget This! (I) - 1 John 4.10 (2020-01-12 am)
Reasons for Reward - Isaiah 53.12 (2020-01-05 pm)
A Good and Gracious Invitation - Job 22.21 (2020-01-05 am)
All (Posted) Sermons - Most Recent First